Top 5 Documentaries

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I can't tell you why but I've always loved documentaries. 

Even as a little girl, it was Disney films and then IMAX films at the OMSI (Portland museum, go visit!). It's not even like I had a preference towards a particular type of documentary, I just loved them all. Lately I've been doing a little binging on Netflix. 

So to those visiting this blog...

Here are my (most recent) top five in no particular order (with a short and simple sentence): 

1. Life In A Day 

July 24th, 2010. Morning, babies, cancer, bikes, marriage, Elvis, fainting, love, watermelon. 

2. Man on Wire 

In 1974, Philippe Petit walks on wire in New York City. 

3. A Band Called Death 

David, Bobby and Dannis Hackney. First all-black punk band in the 1970s. 

4. Bully 

Bullying, a problem that results in the suicide of children all over the US. Whats the cause? How do we stop it? 

5. Dear Zachary 

Andrew Bagby was shot and killed by his mentally ill girlfriend who then gave birth to their son Zachary. Prepare to cry...ALOT. 

Even if you don't like documentaries, I suggest you watch one of these and maybe learn a thing or two.

I do love documentaries but I'm pretty picky and biased towards most films. If something doesn't interest me in the first 30 minutes, I will literally turn off the movie and walk away. But these films not only kept my attention, but made my heart skip a beat, made me cry, and made me deeply think of what the human connection really is about. They are beautiful and heart wrenching. If you watch one and think otherwise, please leave a comment and prove me wrong. You can find all of these films on Netflix. 

Happy Blogging. 

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