Photo Post / SIXIES

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Life is has been hectic with the end of the school year. I work in education as a specialized para professional so I get the summer off but things at my campus have been tense and I worked for months thinking my position was going to be coming to an end and I'd have to find work elsewhere but at the last second (literally two days before the school year was up), I was offered my position again. It was a shock and a lot to think about.

I also decided that after almost a two year hiatus, I was ready to take photos again but I didn't want to put the pressure on me for taking photos professionally and then them turning out like shit. So I offered my services to build up my portfolio again and my friends from the band SIXES asked if I'd be willing. I was very nervous but I think they turned out okay and I hope they think so too. 

So I will be trying to spend most of the summer working on stuff I've been putting off like being a part of the congregation here in SD working on my jewish conversation, applying for credential programs and working on creative stuff like music and photography. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who is an artist as well so I'm hoping we can collaborate more this summer since we only have been able to see each other about two days a week. 

Interested in getting photos done and live in the SoCal area? Please e-mail me at and we will work something out!!! 

Also if you would like to listen to the band SIXIES, here is a link to their Facebook. 

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