En Route to Warsaw

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It is officially Friday the 13th in Warsaw. My group that I am traveling with left late afternoon at LAX and arrived in Warsaw the next day. Maybe it is my patience for long travel but the long flights and excessive travel did not bother me. The first flight was around 11 hours and I probably slept about 6 of those hours. The next flight was only an hour and a half and I slept entirely on that flight. Multiple people in my group said they were jealous that I could sleep so easily but I explained that sleeping is one of my best hobbies and I have a skill for being able to roll up in a ball and lay my head in any position. 

Did I need to take pictures of the airports? Probably not. But I did, because I wanted to capture every moment of this. I am trying to stay away from taking enormous amount of pictures of plants since that is what I am drawn to most. I am mostly trying to capture the things that people miss when traveling. I could take pictures of every statue and every building. Or I could take a picture of the dog that is waiting patiently outside the bank for its owner. 

Happy Blogging!

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