Everlane Lookbook

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Everlane is still considered a new company but they have gotten popular incredibly fast and for good reason. I'm in love with their basic pieces, am a huge fan and I'm very proud of my Everlane button-up. 

Its not so much that Everlane is getting popular among the hip crowd (bloggers, fashion experts, artist...) but that its selling not just a style but an aesthetic. I was happy to see their new look book come out recently. I remember when all they use to sell were box-shirts and now they are selling cozy sweaters and chic loafers. 

I never considered getting a luxe sweater in that rose color but I might just have to after seeing the combination in the look book! Definitley worth the investor for those who don't spend more than $20 on an item of clothing (thats how I grew up and still act when I shop).

Happy Blogging. 

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